Monday, May 3, 2010

the big families of Alm. Supandhi :):)

and here WE ARE :D

yang muda yang bergaya

tp nyelip satu ni, generasi kedua, mama ipit :D

Linda Purnamasari, S.Pd (cieeee. sarjana baru ni ;p)

mas yudhi and his son, dion

mba myra and her daughter, myma

mas dimas, myma's dad --> mba myra's hubby

mas yudhi, mba santi, and their nubie shawtiti*, bimbim

obsesi ingin terlihat tinggi

the real face of mas didit, ckckck

crazy cousins

yeah! we have one marine army! kak harry.

beautiful mommy :*

guess who has minim nutrition?

adorable "cicit"

yudha (2nd son mas yudhi) and lian (2nd daughter kak harry)

yovando (3rd son mba elly)

one and only mas dimas's

elsa; 2nd daughter mba elly.

the energetic boy, yudha :D

nubie, bimbim, 2months.

ling and tiara (kak indra's)

gracia. mba ida's

*shawtiti : anak bungsu dalam bahasa cina


  1. weeeww..BIG Family..
    yg di foto ke 6 itu,,aneh deh..hahhahaha
    eh..tapi kayanya ada yg kurang deh 1 org lagi..
    kmn ya??
    wanita berjilbab yg bernama mba Rika..
    kemana tuh????

  2. :):):)
    foto sarjana baru? hahahahahaha. emang asli nya kaya gitu :p *kidding sist :D
    rika lag mau sidang, doakan yaaa :)
    btw, itu blog siapa ya? :D
